OU Career Cycle
Here's a breakdown of the OU Career Cycle to ensure that you're are the fast-track to a successful career.
1. Self-Assessment
To ensure that you find the major that is right for you, it is good to determine your interests, skills, personality type, and values. This will help you narrow down the fields you are interested in.
2. Researching Options
Finding out information about different majors and the careers they lead to will help you narrow does your major selection even more. Things to focus on are the pay rate and tasks required in different careers, the education required for different careers, and what the future of different careers is.
3. Decision Making/Goal Setting
Now that you have all the information you need, it is time to make a decision on what major you want. It is recommended that you schedule an appointment with your CAS adviser by calling (248) 370-4567 or visiting 221 Varner Hall to develop a degree plan of study to ensure the successful completion of your degree.
4. Career Readiness
Meet with a Career Services Coordinator for resume reviews, interview preparation and job search strategies. Then gain work experience through internships to see if the field you chose is truly the right field for you. Check out OUCareerlink!
5. Explore and Gain Relevant Work Experience
Continue to do internships and co-ops. Attend career fairs and workshops to build awareness of you field and gain contacts. Do 2 to 3 internships or coops to identify career direction.
6. Implement Job Search Strategies
Develop a tracking system for your job search while networking with employers, alumni, family, and friends. Proactively pursue job posting online and in-person. Join associations, organizations, groups and affiliations related you your field.
Check out OU's Interactive Career Cycle!