Academic Resources

Academic Resources

Need help with Writing or Math? Check out The Tutoring Center’s Study Aids

Find helpful links for writing resources, mathematics (including practice tests!), self-assessments (discover your learning style!), and various online tools.

Tip: Did you know one of the most effective ways to study is by taking practice tests?

Video examples are also provided for the following courses:
MTH 061 Elementary Algebra
MTH 062 Intermediate Algebra
MTH 121 Linear Programming, Elementary Functions
MTH 122 Calculus for the Social Sciences
MTH 154 Calculus I
MTH 155 Calculus II

Need more assistance? Contact The Tutoring Center (248) 370-4215 
or schedule an appointment with a Tutor!


The Writing Center

The Oakland University Writing Center is open to OU students, faculty, and staff in all disciplines at any stage of the writing process. The center provides writers with an interested and supportive audience of well-trained consultants who help both novice and expert writers explore ideas, revise drafts, and develop the skills to craft polished works. The writing center is located in Kresge Library on the second floor.

Joan Rosen Writing Studio

212 Kresge Library

Tuesday-Wednesday, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
The OUWC is closed when the university is closed and operates under limited hours during finals' week.

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please visit


The Tutoring Center

The Tutoring Center is located in 103 North Foundation Hall and is open from 8 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday. The tutoring center is a great place to go if you ever need any help with course work or just have any basic questions.  You do not need to make an appointment, just use the online schedule and walk-in to have an appointment with a fellow peer.

Why should I get a tutor?
  • If you have difficulty understanding the professor.
  • If you don't have enough foundational knowledge for the course.
  • If you have difficulty completing assignments. 

How do I get a tutor?
  • Use the online schedule 
  • Tutoring in many courses is offered on a walk-in basis and no appointment is necessary.
  • If you cannot find a tutor for your specific subject, submit a Tutor Request Form
  • The Tutoring Center offers many more resources you can check out by visiting