Pass Your Class!
Look now for your MSEs (Mid-Semester
Evaluations) to ensure you’re on the right path.
Received a “U”? Then check out these next steps on how to pass the rest of the class!
Received a “U”? Then check out these next steps on how to pass the rest of the class!
Receiving a “U”
(unsatisfactory progress) in one or more of your courses means that you are
recorded as receiving below a 2.0 grade.
This does not mean you should Withdraw from the course, though!
Some courses require a 1.0 minimum grade to count toward a degree (depending on the major). Students should meet with their adviser to discuss the overall impact of completing or dropping the courses:
This does not mean you should Withdraw from the course, though!
Some courses require a 1.0 minimum grade to count toward a degree (depending on the major). Students should meet with their adviser to discuss the overall impact of completing or dropping the courses:
CAS Advising 221 Varner Hall 248-370-4567
In fact, now is the
perfect time to take a moment to evaluate your current situation. Here’s a list
of resources/ideas to consider when making the decision of what to do next:
1) Speak with your professor during his or her office hours to discuss your standing in the
class, review the syllabus, and learn techniques to understanding the course content.
2) Financial
Aid – Withdrawing from a course may affect your eligibility to receive
future Financial Aid. Contact: Student Financial Services 120 North Foundation
Hall 248-370-2550
3) Schedule
an appointment with a Professional Academic Adviser to discuss the implications
of Withdrawing from a course (CAS Advising 221 Varner Hall 248-370-4567). Withdrawing from a course may affect your intended graduation date!
4) The Tutoring Center - Set up a tutoring appointment
where they offer tutoring for most 100- and 200-level courses – available at no
charge. Located
in 103 North Foundation Hall. Visit to view
the tutoring schedule and calculate your GPA.
5) The Writing Center -
Receive free writing assistance if you are experiencing trouble in
your writing courses. Located in 212 Kresge Library. Visit to schedule an appointment.
6) Know the last day to Withdraw from a course and receive a “W”
grade. To check Important Dates, visit Note: if you
withdraw from a course, this may affect your financial aid and you will want to
follow up with financial aid (see #2).